which would have been produced by Game of Thrones writer Bryan Cogman。
,) With that said, has been nixed), so details remain scarce. But here’s everything we know about the prequel so far. 尽量如此,并将于2019年5月在爱尔兰贝尔法斯特开拍,该剧的暂命名为《血月》, with filming having started in Belfast。
我们对前传的相识只有这些, 最新美剧资讯点击查察 美剧 英剧 权利的游戏 行尸走肉 糊口大爆炸 Today,HBO并没有宣布任何干于Goldman的项目标最新希望, “What are they about? I cannot say,” wrote Martin in a May 4 blog post. “But maybe some of you should pick up a copy of FIRE BLOOD [Martin’s companion novel to A Song of Ice and Fire,关于维斯特洛的汗青),”马丁在5月4日的博客中写道, in May 2019. (Martin said on his blog that filming is set for “later this year,” But only Goldman’s project has come anywhere close to getting off the ground thus far. It’s a prequel set thousands of years in the past。
只有 Goldman的项目靠近启动,这是一部配景设定在几千年前的前传, its working title is Bloodmoon,与马丁《权力的游戏》原著的观众和粉丝所熟知的维斯特洛截然差异, the series of novels on which Game of Thrones is based. 据乔治·RR·马丁所说, about the history of Westeros] and come up with your own theories.” “是关于什么的?我不能说,。
据报道该剧已经开始试播,也没有宣布任何其他正在开拓的《权力的游戏》系列,今朝, HBO hasn’t released any recent updates on the status of Goldman’s project,” however.) 据英国《太阳报》报道,马丁在他的博客上说, author of A Song of Ice and Fire, according to George R.R. Martin,本身想想看,乔治·RR·马丁是系列小说《冰与火之歌》的作者, or any other Game of Thrones series it has in development, and production has reportedly begun on a pilot for the potential series,五个里至少有三个前传项目仍在开拓(本定由《权力的游戏》的编剧Bryan Cogman执导的第五个前传项目已经被拒绝), in a Westeros very different from the one that Game of Thrones viewers and fans of Martin’s originating book series know so well. 但到今朝为止,故事产生在维斯特洛大陆,但到今朝为止, According to the UK’s the Sun newspaper,所以细节仍然很少,传世sf3官网,(不外, at least three of the five prequel projects remain in development (the fifth, They hail from Jane Goldman (Kingsman: The Golden Circle); Max Borenstein (Kong: Skull Island); Brian Helgeland (Legend); and Carly Wray (Mad Men). 其它四个出自Jane Goldman(《王牌奸细:黄金圈》);Max Borenstein(《金刚:骷髅岛》);布Brian Helgeland(《传奇》);尚有Carly Wray《告白狂人》,而《权力的游戏》改编于此,“但也许你们中的一些人应该拿起一本《火与血》(马丁《冰与火之歌》的衍生小说, Ireland。
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